Monday, August 06, 2007

365 Photos - Gallery 5


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

electrofried (mr) said...

dear camiseta personalizada,

what a name, what a pasting! I fear that never has a common language so divided us.

Regular readers of "The Chronicles" are STRONGLY recommended to access the truly awesome camisetas web-site by clicking on the blue link, "version in English" above. Trust me, you will not be disappointed - I'm still grappling with the kind invitation from camisetas to, "Mount the t-shirt of its favourite band. It has access already."

best regards

electrofried (mr)

Anonymous said...

The Dandy's Walk! What a name! Where is that located?

There was a place downtown in my hometown called "The Stroll" (although not by any sign). It was kind of entrepreneurial, if you get my drift.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the 365 gallery is developing beautifully. In the last few months has Mr Electrofied changed his camera, or is it his eye that has changed?

Other than reallyfried why are there no current photos of the Electrofrieds. Are they keen to retain their anonymity?

Will Mr Electrofried ever reveal his true identity?

From An Apprentice Horologist.

electrofried (mr) said...

Dear Apprentice Horologist,

it's always great to welcome new guests to the strange and deeply crumbling towers that are the House of electrofried. I do hope you enjoyed your visit and will return at regular intervals to inspect the latest stage of decay.

Turning now to the identity of the electrofrieds, this remains a closely guarded secret for National Security reasons. It all has to do with mrs electofried's temporary membership of the SAS care of a mix-up in correspondence when she applied to join the local Womens' Institute. Goodness only knows what happened to the unfortunate Cold War spy who was thrust into combat armed only with two crochet lessons and a badly cooked scone.

As for the cameras, I'm using a selection of varying pedigree and quality accumulated during my sad life as a nascent, but deeply untalented photographer. Part of the challenge is to use every single one during the year ahead.

Do pop by from time to time to see how we're shaping up.

best regards

electrofried (mr)

electrofried (mr) said...

Dear Birmingham Blues,

good to see you in the House. How is life across the other side of the pond?

The strangely named, "Dandy's Walk" is situated on the portside of one of Little Wittering's more entertaining hostelries. So far as I'm aware (though I confess I'm no expert in such matters) passing entrepreneurial custom is limited to the occasional whelk-seller plying his rancid trade to the great unwashed masses.

Stick to pork scratchings, is my advice ... though I suspect this will have you wondering exactly what goes on behind the drabbly festooned windows of Middle-England.

best regards

electrofried (mr)