Saturday, November 10, 2007

365 Photos - Gallery 13


Anonymous said...

Dearest Electrofried,

Vis-a-vis your interweb correspondence, I feel obliged to give you these words of engouragement. I, for one, though I often do not leave a penny in the plate, so-to-speak, never fail to peruse the latest offerings in your Bloggerama. I have been, and remain, an enthusiastic consumer of the images from your pocket Brownie.

The latest glassy plates are, unsurprisingly, of the highest quality. May one ask a few questions as to their provenance?

Firstly, who are the delightful couple smiling around the blue door? Would I be right in guessing that the young lady might be your elder female offspring, Maximouse and that the gentleman is her spouse?

Secondly, where is the pew located? I have spent some time in the Established church's habititudes in that particular county and am unable to place the particular pattern that the grain of the wood in the upper portion of the structure reveals. It reminds me, so much, of the more spartan surroundings of the Free Presbyterian church in Portree.

Third, and lastly, the location of those harmoniously distributed stepping stones. The pleasure engendered by fording a stream or river is, unfortunately, being lost to those of a younger generation than ourselves as the ancient highways and byways give way to the HyperMotorSkyByBypass.



Panama (Esq)

electrofried (mr) said...

dear panama,

it's great to see your ex-moustachioed visage greeting my entry to the House. In response to your queries I'm pleased to confirm as follows.

First, the young couple who grace the blue door are not the darling maximouse and her trusty husband, His Imperial Hirsutelessness. Rather, they are two members of a local Christian Youth Group who helped lead a glorious weekend of free car-washing, supermarket bag-packing, gardening, BBQing and general acts of random kindness. I had the privilege and honour of being invited to act as official photographer to the event in question.

Secondly, the pew is to be found in the Church of the Terminally Bewildered Anglican, of which I am a member. The stick is the very one which took the not insignifant weight of my sumo-clad form during the recent broken-foot incident.

And finally, the stepping stones lie to the far reaches of the electrofried estate. Rumour has it they are the start of a trail to a secret deer-filled forest known only to gentlemen of Slovenian extraction.

Hope the above is of some assistance.

best regards,

electrofried (mr)