Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weeks .....


Panama said...

My Very dear Electrofried,

I must, first, apologise. I have been most remiss in not visiting The House for some time. Especially when occasions of great moment were in the offing.

Secondly, and most importantly, may I proffer, if a little belatedly, my most sincere congratulations to Maximouse and Lamper for their natal event.

As a distaff scion of The House Of Electrofried I feel sure that he will do his doting grandparents proud.

May I recommend that on the occasions when your good self will be in loco parentis he might be lulled into a a mind enrichening deep sleep by application of the Victrola needle to a disc entitled Sketches Of Spain by one Miles Davis, Esquire; a gentleman of negroid ethnicity much skilled in the musical arts.


Most felicitatiously,

Panama, Esq.

electrofried (mr) said...

Dear Panama,

apologies too for missing your most recent visit to our house.

I shall indeed ensure the latest edition to the electrofried clan receives proper schooling in all things musical.

Several shiny discs of Master B Eno have arrived of recent and will be put to good use come the next visit of our grandson.

Trust all is well with you and yours.

best regards,
