excitement is almost at fever-pitch in the House of electrofried as the time nears to visit our cousins on the opposite side of the pond. You see, we're about to celebrate a plumply rounded birthday in the life of mrs electrofried.
Time flies
I will not bore you, yet again, with tales from our teenaged past (more from fear of incurring the wrath of young teenygoth, as anything else) but suffice to say the dear lady is rather special. An under-statement if ever there was one!
So what more fitting way to say thank you to mrs electrofried for sharing her life with us than flying her across the Atlantic for two weeks pleasuring deep in the heart of Pennyslvania's Dutch Country. Oh, and teenygoth gets to go too.
Instructions to the Staff
Please do keep a weather-eye on the House whilst we're away. We will be leaving Fetlock in charge, a decision I fear we may have cause to regret come our return.
For some weeks now he's been beavering away in the Servants' Quarters, head buried deep in the well-thumbed, but grossly inaccurate Slovenian/English dictionary that is his faltering life-line to communication with the residents of Little Wittering.
If you do call by, expect to be greeted with the cryptic entreatment, "Dve karti za avtobusni izlet v Postojno?". This may come in handy should you indeed wish to purchase, "Two tickets for the guided bus tour to Postojna.", but otherwise is unlikely to be of much substantive use in ongoing conversational repartee.
The assembling of luggage
You will doubtless be pleased to learn I have given Fetlock the afternoon off to conserve his somewhat limited energies. He will need all his strength to hoist aboard our charabanc the substantial assortment of light hand-luggage and general trunkery that has been amassed by mrs electrofried in the upper reaches of the House.
The collection began some weeks ago with one small valise. It now covers most of the visible flooring area of one of the smaller bedrooms in the West Wing and spills over into a considerable portion of the backstairs.
Cook's Tours
Cook is far from pleased. Her garret hideaway lies immediately adjacent to mrs electrofried's luggage repository and the prospect of negotiating its straits whilst bearing her customary crated cargo of super-strength alcohol fills her (and us) with some dread.
It seems likely she will resolve this predicament by consuming half the contents of the crate before venturing past the box-room. Given past form, we anticipate a lager spillage of Exxion Valdez proportions.
In-flight Entertainment
I conducted a brief, but revealing, inspection of the hand-luggage earlier this morning.
Personally, I thought we might leave the Victrola behind for a well-needed "dust'n'lube". However, mrs electrofried is determined it must be packed, together of course with a small selection from her extensive and ever-expanding Perry Como collection.
She has even gone so far as to fashion a curious device out of a pair of heavily embroidered ear-muffs and a short length of garden-hosing. I am informed this is to convert the much-loved Victrola into a personal stereo unit for in-flight entertainment purposes, but I remain to be convinced this will be a viable option given the baggage constraints currently in operation on most Transatlantic flights.
Mrs electrofried is, however, a lady on a mission. And who am I to bet against her emerging victorious from battle with those who man the Customs Stall at Heathrow.
My contribution
Of course, I have made my own contribution to the ongoing luggage assembly. A crate has been duly packed with several Box Brownie bodies, an accompanying assortment of carefully dusted prime lenses and a box-load of freshly emulsioned glass plates.
Oh, and I've bought a clean pair of pants.
The call of the charabanc
Forgive me if I now bid you a fond farewell - I hear the familiar parp of the charabanc as it pulls up the drive toward the House. Happy journeyings all and see you in a few weeks' time.
best regards
electrofried (mr)
Sounds like an exciting trip electrofried .
As always you find a way of making a blog easy and interesting to read . Not an easy thing to do . Too many tend to stick to plain ' diary entries ' . But not yours . You obviously put some effoert and thought into your scribblings for us poor folk at MOJO towers . My gratitude for that .
I'm pleased to see that you have remembered to pack the box brownies .
I assume you mean the camera , and not the association for young girls started by a certain Baden-Powell .
I am a little worried about your wellbeing whilst away though .
You don't mention having packed a supply of Horlicks .
How will you manage ? Or was this just ' senior moment ' in the house of electrofried ?
Have a good trip . I look forward to any photographic postings on thes pages .
Dear jabba,
it's so good to hear from you and I'm delighted to learn you're still enjoying the "Chronicles".
Please rest assured no uniformed associations were involved in the packing of electrofried luggage - and teenygoth has long since departed the Guides.
Thank you too for your thoughtfulness concerning the absence of Horlicks. Whilst the States does not appear to have an exact equivalent, some judicious "googling" discloses a web-site of some frankly astonishing beverages. I think this tells us much about the American character.
I have taken the liberty of attaching the link in question in case you should wish to pursue your studies further ...
Look forward to exchanging pastings soon, and in the meantime
best regards,
electrofried (mr)
Bon voyage!
As a new epoch commences, I and Maximouse wish you all the best on your exploration of the America's. I trust your method of conveyance is sufficient for the intented journey. On our last visit I noted that your carabanc's designed gross weight was insufficient for the amount of telephotographical equipment you were hoping to transport. I therefore recommend that the carriage suspension is duly uprated or that the amount of unnecessary quilting paraphernalia
is cast aside at the nearest border. The importance of intoxicants, photographic and wireless equipment being of much higher significance.
Well, with that supurlative advice, hopefully embarked upon. I and the first of your loin shall be staying firmly out of the way of the "hoss".
I hope you and the wonderful Mrs Electrofried have a great trip, and that teeneygoth is permitted to leave and re-enter the country with no problems!
Dear Honoured Guests,
thank you so much for all your comments and best wishes! It's a great encouragement to read your feedback and I shall be sad not to be pasting for a little while.
Rest assured though, the electrofried's will soon be back on-line with tales of Transatlantic exploits.
Have fun in the meantime,
best regards
electrofried (mr)
Dear Panama and eddyphilia (not forgetting, of course, bubbles),
it's good to great new and regular Visitors alike. Thank you so much for your kind comments and best wishes - it's really encouraging to have feedback.
The electrofrieds will be back shortly so do pop a bookmark in "The Chronicles" and come back to visit us soon.
In the meantime, many happy journeyings,
best regards
electrofried (mr)
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