Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The House of Electrofried opens

Dear Browsers and Browserettes,

it is with great pleasure that mr and mrs electrofried extend a cordial invitation (lime flavoured, naturally) to join us at the House of Electrofried.

Introducing Fetlock the Butler

Apologies for the rather Gothic introduction to our blog, but we left Fetlock the Butler in charge of the formal opening ceremony yesterday evening. As will become all too apparent in due course, poor Fetlock's uncertain Slavic origins have left him permanently scarred. To be precise, a three inch marking to his left temple that turns a rather off-putting shade of purple when Fetlock is not in the best of humours, which to be frank, is most of the time.

He is however a faithful, if somewhat wrinkled, retainer in the House of Electrofried. As such, he enjoys our full and ongoing patronage, notwithstanding his somewhat dystopian take on life in general.

A Toast to you All!

This may account in no small part for Fetlock's rather melancholic air in yesterday's debutante pasting. Rest assured, however, that whilst the House of Electrofried may on occasion demonstrate the odd whimsical eccentricity, it is by and large a happy place in which to dwell - a fact celebrated regularly by mr and mrs electrofried in the traditional manner of the household.

Accordingly, with conjugal mugs of the blessed elixir "Horlicks" raised aloft we wassail you all with a rousing cry of "Welcome!"

You, the Readers decide

Mrs Electrofried and I have so much to tell you about the House, but we feel this should be a place where you, our valued guests, are in charge. With this in mind, we set out below three possible topics for our next pasting, namely:

  • a brief history of the family line "electrofried"; or

  • a description of the West Wing of the House; or

  • a list of the favourite pastimes of mrs electrofried.

Please do let us know which you would you prefer by leaving a short comment in the Visitors' Book. You'll find this, as always, on the sideboard somewhere near the portal to our world. Unless of course Fetlock has been dusting again.

A Favour in Return

We ask just one favour in return for surrendering control to you - please email two friends with a request to sample the Chronicles. You may wish to inform them sanity is optional.

with very best regards from your hosts

electrofried (mr and mrs)

p.s. for those of you who may be unfamiliar with the elixir, Horlicks, we attach below what we understand is termed in wonderweb parlance, a "linklet" to a most interesting site. It is indeed a thing of beauty to behold ...



samsarajade said...

I am most interesteed at this point in the family line. It is good to know where someone has come from.
I visited the Horlicks site, only briefly, I can certainly imagine hours of time floating by exploring such a place!

electrofried (mr) said...

Dear Pasters,

thank you for your comments. We shall indeed investigate the lineage of the electrofried clan shortly.

As regards the sharing of cake-based secrets, keep your eyes open, Panama - you just never know where you may find them scattered about in the House.

best regards

electrofried (mr)